
semester 1 result

finally i knew my final result . english get a D not Fail i think every is ok alreadly.

food production i got a A,what a surprise! chef Derren is super duper lengzai...

huu~~~ 一身松嗮




已经是sem 2 ~~变成别人的senior

很令自己感到意外的是,这次回到来penang 竟然没有想象中的失落,反而还有些期待新学期的来临


by the way , i had set some target for myself during this sem

1.  everyday do some revision (at least one hour)

2. do some exercise everyday ,for outlooking n healty life

3. beware of diet

4. gain more knowledge

5. lose some weight

6. keep smiling

7. fight for all 'A's