
蘇格蘭夾心蛋 Scotch Eggs

source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=00ZWKa2hMiU

蘇格蘭夾心蛋 Scotch Eggs

Whole eggs 3nos 全雞蛋 3
Whisked egg 1nos 雞蛋(打散)1
Fresh Pork Sausages 3 nos 鮮豬肉腸 3
Cornstarch 鷹粟粉
Breadcrumbs 麵包糠 
Salt  a pinch 
black pepper a pinch 黑胡椒少許

1. bring to egg to boil until cooked. remove the eggshell.
2. remove the skin of sausages,make it flat.
3. use meat cover the egg, make it likes a ball. go through the egg wash, cornstarch, then whisked egg, last breadcrumbs.

4. fried until golden brown. done.

