
土耳其薄餅 - 高登 Turkish Pide

土耳其薄餅 - Turkish Pide

source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VlxauQRe32w


麵粉150克/grams of flour
糖半茶匙/half tsp sugar
酵母1茶匙/tsp of dried yeast
橄欖油1湯匙/tbsp of olive oil
溫水80毫升/ml of lukewarm water
免治羊肉250克/gram of minced lamb
洋蔥半個/half an onion
青椒半個/half a green pepper
蒜頭2個/cloves of garlic
香芹葉2棵/sprigs of parsley
薄荷葉6-7片/mint leaves
番茄仔3-4個/cherry tomatoes
汁少許/splash of Worcestershire sauce
黑胡椒粉少許/black pepper
茴香粉1茶匙/tsp of ground cumin
甜椒粉1茶匙/tsp of paprika

1. dump the sugar and yeast into the water, mix and leave it for 10 mins.
2. mix a tsp of salt to the flour and sieve it through into a bowl. add a tbsp of olive oil and the yeast mixture. form a dough.

3. dust some flour on the working table and knead the dough for 4-5 mins , until it becomes bouncy and shiny. 

4. grease a bowl and place the dough in.cover it with a wet towel and let it proof for 45 mins.

5. meanwhile, heat up a pan under medium heat. add oil, green pepper and onion in for couple mins. add the garlic and fry for another 2-3 mins. after that,leave them cooled.

6. mix them with mince. add the mint and half of the parsley. a tsp of paprika, ground cumin, 1/2 tsp of salt, 1/2 tsp of black pepper and a splash of worcestershire sauce. mix well. add a bit of water to the mixture.

7. knead the proffer dough for a min to let the air out. and cut it into two. 
    dust the working table with flour. use rolling pin and roll it out. 

8. spread out the mince mixture. leave about 1 cm space around the sides. fold it in. food the tips and give it a twist.



